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Mixed Levels Choreography

Bellydance Fundamentals

Work Shops and Class Offerings

Classes offered in the South East area of GA and Jacksonville area of FL.

Workshops offered anywhere.

Class- One Hour

This is a class for new students, or returning students who wish to either brush up on their basics or change styles.

Class will focus on the break down of movements, muscle control, posture, and the general vocabulary of Middle Eastern/Bellydance.

Combinations of movements will be taught to give the students a working knowledge of dance.

We will also learn warm ups and stretches to help gain muscle strength needed for balance and dance.

This is a class run in 6-8 week sessions. (Time frame will vary depending on location)  Classes will be taught in modern tribal style.

A beginner workshop is available as well, running at least one hour in length. Basic movements will be taught, as well as a short and simple choreography.

Class- One Hour

Although this is a class for all levels of dancer, it is suggested you have at least a basic knowledge of bellydance as the basics will only be touched on briefly and on an as needed basis.

One choreography will take 6-12 weeks to learn depending on length and complexity.

Music will vary. Basic genera of style will be modern tribal-fusion.

Performance opportunities as well as troupe opportunities available but not required.

Workshop setting. Lecture and Interaction.One- Two Hours

Nadeau was once asked what sort of Voo-Doo she does that makes her always know what she's doing. It's not magic! You just have to know the tricks!

Learn how to always look like you know what you're doing, from where to focus when following to where to stand in a group to blend in best when feeling unconfident.

Workshop setting. One-Two Hours

Learn how to become more comfortable with improvisational dance.

Students will learn how to break down music and connect their bodies to music.

We will play improvisational games, as well as learn a simple set up for improving with a group.

Bellydance Voo-Doo

Improvisational Dance

Stage Make-Up

Workshop Lecture, some hands on. 1-1.5 Hours

Students will learn a few eye looks and how to apply them. Bollywood, Tribal, and Gothic. (more time permitting)

There will be a discussion about brands and products.

We will also cover tips and tricks for long wearing, blemish hiding, face perfecting, and how to get your makeup to stay on all night!

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